This week: Expand my musical horizons.
Sha-nasty Poof Poof being the name I would have chosen for myself had I been a rap star. For a short week in high school, I decided that my inability to do long division and my total lack of talent in any other subject meant that I either had to be a rap star or a professional game show contestant. Combining my favorite soda, Shasta, my favorite catch word, Nasty, and the name of a three-legged dog in the neighborhood, I christened myself Sha-nasty Poof Poof.
I’ve always had an affinity for hardcore rap music. Once in a while, I might throw in a little Reba McEntire or Muse for variety, but if we ever pull up next to each other at a red light, and my car is reverberating from the bass, or my face is scrunched in concentration, know that it’s because I’m intently trying to decipher the lyrics of Lil Wayne’s 6’7.
Cal wants to know why we can’t listen to more easy listening favorites.
Because, I say, what are the chances of watching the famed Peter White thank his baby mamas while accepting the Academy Award for Best Song like Three 6 Mafia. Will Kenny G title his next song It’s Hard Out Here for a Pimp? Chances are slim, kid.
Harv, Cal, and I have vastly different tastes in music. Any car ride longer than ten minutes invariably spirals into a battle to control the radio.
Maybe I’m being too stubborn. Maybe there’s more out there than Waka Flocka and Petey Pablo. I’m willing to find out.
I’d love some suggestions. Here’s the deal- I’ll do my best to listen to every single suggestion listed below, so I’d be grateful if you left specific song titles by artists rather than just the artist/group names.
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image via knockknock.biz