This week: Believe I can.
I’m involved in a bitter feud. With myself.
Whenever I attempt something new, the no side of me thinks, “Don’t do it, bitch. You’ll fail!” The yes side of me usually counters, in a smaller voice, “I’m good enough, I’m smart enough, and doggoneit, people like me!”
The yes side sounds strangely like Stuart Smalley, and since that motherfucker is weird, I usually ignore the yes and go with the no.
The last time I listened to Stuart, I decided to give up shopping for a year. That was 265 days ago…not that I’m keeping track. I’m looking more and more like an elderly shut-in. Yesterday, I wore pants with a sagging ass because it lost its elasticity months ago and a dowdy blouse with a hole near the neckline. All I really needed was a rickety shopping cart and a nugget of canned cheese hanging off my chin to go from elderly shut-in to homeless.
I have 100 days left. I think I can. I think I can. I think I can.
Have you ever accomplished something you thought was impossible? Did you have an inspiring quote or lesson that helped you through it?
image via knockknock.biz