When I started telling friends, family and strangers about The Project, I anticipated a few questions. I thought, surely, folks would ask how much I had saved so far or if I had cheated at all.
photo via blueq.com
When I started telling friends, family and strangers about The Project, I anticipated a few questions. I thought, surely, folks would ask how much I had saved so far or if I had cheated at all.
Every Monday, I’m picking from the List of Things to Try, Places to Go, Possible Acts that Help and Possible Fun to Have. It’s a list I made before The Projectstarted and I’m still adding to it. If you have suggestions, please, feel free to throw them my way. I’m calling the list my Monday Dares, as I get overwhelmed just looking at the words “challenge” or “goal.”
This week: I will revise Lizanomics and make it work. Then petition a small country to adopt it.
Remember when I saved $45 in one week by using coupons, then I bought a $300 pair of shoes as a reward? Hark! Lizanomics was born!
Lizanomics [liz-uh–nom-iks] -noun
the financial applications of a delusional grown-up rooted in the belief that saving a penny merits a purchase of up to and possibly greater than one hundred dollars
With just a short and manageable 42 weeks and 2 days left on The Project (hey, it’s all the way you look at it, folks), I’m spending the week sifting through my Lizanomics rules to see what can stay and what must go.
So far I’ve sorted out:
Dare I ask…do you have your own rules for spending and “saving.” Do share!
photo via blueq.com
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