I’m also pretty good at other types of magical thinking. Sometimes, when I’m having a particularly bad day, I pat my television as I’m entering the den and will it to give me some sugar, baby. As I turn it on, I use my brain power to get what I want, and voila, like fucking magic, an episode of House Hunters appears on the screen. I told Harv about this special ability once. He said it wasn’t that special since House Hunters usually airs for hours each night, usually around the time I sit down to watch television. Of course it starts airing right around the time I start watching television, Harv. Do you not see the connection?
And to think I was going to use my powers to help him out during World of Warcraft.
I’m aware that some people dub this sort of behavior as OCD or just plain strange, but it’s pretty clear to me that these are the folks without magical powers. Jealousy is an ugly beast.
Any quirky habits? Magical thinking rituals? Psychic powers?